Using the Basin Analysis Software (BAS), this seminar will prepare the civil engineer for the design, analyses and optimization of side-weirs and offline retarding systems. The seminar will include the routing of flows over the side-weir and into the basin as well as flows exiting the basin through the outlet or the spillway.
Seminar Content
Course Overview 7:30 AM
The Need for Retarding 7:45 AM
Cautions on Retarding 8:00 AM
System Components and Operation 8:15 AM
B.A.S. Features 8:30 AM
Side-weir Analysis 8:45 AM
Exercise 1 - B.A.S. Weir Analysis 9:00 AM
Weir Design 9:45 AM
Exercise 2 - B.A.S. Weir Design 10:15 AM
Basin Analysis - Needed Data 11:00 AM
Basin Analysis – Data management 11:15 AM
Lunch 12-1:00 PM
Basin Analysis 1:00 PM
BAS Settings 1:15 PM
The BAS Reports 1:45 PM
Exercise 3 - B.A.S. Basin Analysis 2:15 PM
Basin Design & Optimization 2:45 PM
Exercise 4 - Design and Optimization 3:15 PM
Adjourn 4:30 PM